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How to use a ZENA mobile welding system to rebuild an engine driven welder

Do you have an old engine that you would like to put to use?

Or perhaps a defective engine driven welder -- with an engine that's as good as new, but with an electrical system which has failed?

Have you found out that it will cost almost as much to rebuild/repair the welder as it will to buy a new one?

Don't despair. A ZENA welding system can be used to easily "rebuild" the welder and make it "better than new".


The welder at the beginning of the process

The process is simple.

  • Most of the old electronic components are removed.
  • The ZENA system is installed.
  • A little paint and cleanup and you have a new welder.

The photos on this page are of a old Miller welder which had a twin cylinder Onan engine -- with power suitable to drive a 200 amp. ZENA welding power generator or two electrically and mechanically synchronized 150 amp. ZENA power generators (for a 300 amp. welding system).

In this case, the owner chose to install a single 200 amp. power generator.

Rather than build a shaft adapter for engine power take off, the existing armature rotor was removed and sent to a machine shop to have the end of the shaft closest to the engine fitted with a 6" double V-pulley which is used to drive the ZENA SR200 power generator.
Simple brackets to mount the power generator were fabricated from some 1-1/4" x 5/16" bar stock, some 1" x 3/8" bar stock, some 2" x 5/16" angle stock, and misc. nuts and bolts. And, a pair of bottom cog automotive V-belts were obtained from an auto parts store to complete the installation.

Since the motor and all driven components were shock mounted, bracketing for the power generator was fabricated so that it was also attached to shock mounted components -- NOT to the case, frame, or base of the welder.

Some of the parts that were removed

Finished and ready for years of hard use

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